
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thematic Explanation

Thematic Explanation

My Thematic piece is called “Unbreakable Habit”. The reason why I named this piece unbreakable habit was because addictions like, smoking and drugs are bad. If someone is trying to stop doing it, it would be difficult because they would be hooked. Bad habits are not easily broken depending on how determined someone is to stop. There will always be people helping to stop the use of cigarettes and people who are supporting the habits.
            In my piece there is an arm reaching out for a package of cigarettes. On the cigarette box, it is labeled “Death Road” as the title. I choose to name it that because, it shows that smoking is bad and it will only lead to people’s death. Everyone has the choice to choose which path they want. Choosing the path of taking cigarettes basically means you are killing yourself.  The cigarette box has cigarettes about to pour out of it to show that the hand is really close to reaching it. Other hands around the arm represents people either helping to stop the use of cigarette or encouraging the use of cigarettes. The hands that are grabbing onto the arm are the people trying to help stop the use.  The hands are pulling the arm away from the box of cigarette so, that it wouldn’t be able to reach it. The other two hands on the sides are the people who are encouraging the use of cigarettes. One hand is holding a lighter. The hand is holding a lighter because it shows that if someone chooses to use cigarettes, the lighter will help by lighting up the cigarette. The other hand is holding a lit up cigarette. It means that peer pressure could be influencing someone to get into the habit of smoking. 
            Before I started “Unbreakable Habit”, it was hard for me to think of a good idea. I had no idea what I wanted to draw but, eventually ideas started to pop up in my head. I wanted to do something that related to bonds. Bonds are not easily broken. I was going to draw friends graduating or two people in love. I decided to go with drawing something that has to do with habits because I thought it was more original and no one else would have thought of doing it.
            I used pencil and pencil crayons to complete this picture. The pencil was used to draw out the sketch of the hands and box of cigarette. Once I was happy with what I drew, I started to colour with pencil crayons. I toned everything in the picture.
            I had difficulties making the hands look realistic but, I think I did a good job. I am really proud of my work. If I were to do anything differently, it would have been to work on drawing more details on the hand to make it look more realistic. Over all I spent a lot of time working on my thematic piece for this semester and I am very happy with my work.

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