
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sketchbook Assignment (Flying)


            For this sketchbook assignment, I was assigned the theme flying. I decided to draw angels. I named this piece “Flying to Heaven”, because the angels are flying to a brighter place up in the sky. In the picture, there is a burst of light coming out from a hole in the sky. That hole would be the gate way to heaven. The angels are flying into it to return home.  There are four angels in this picture. Each angel has a special symbol to make them unique from others. The angel on the left is the angel or love and happiness, the angel below it is the angel of freedom, the angel on the right is the angel of Peace, and finally the last angel would be the angel of loyalty, that angel would be the dog. To tell that they are different, there is a symbol representing what type of angel they are on the tip of their clothing.
            This picture was completed using pencil.  I used the pencil to draw and colour the image. At first I didn’t what the image to only be black and white. I wanted to have simple colours for this picture but, I decided not to because I wanted to get more practise using pencil to add colour. In the picture I tried to make the light from heaven stand out because it was the main part of the picture showing that it is where heaven’s entrance is.  I left spaces around different parts of the picture not darkened because I wanted to make them stand out more as well.
For this assignment, I had other ideas before I thought of drawing angels. I was thinking of drawing butterflies, fairies, swans, and other birds but, I decided to do angels because I wanted to challenge myself. I wanted to see if I was able to draw wings of an angel. I have tried drawing wings for other pictures but, they didn’t turn out looking good. When I finished drawing this picture, I noticed I have done better but, there is still room for improvement. I am hoping that the next time I draw wings, I could see more improvements.
I had difficulties drawing the wings and getting the bright light effect in the gate way to heaven. For the wings, I had to look at different images before I could decide on how I wanted my wings to look. I drew them looking like typical angel wings. For the bright light, I used pencil to make the outer edge of the ray darker to show that the light is brighter than its surrounding.  
If I were to change this piece, I would have used different colours to colour the picture or spend more time toning with the pencil. I would have also worked on the wings of the angel more, so that it would look natural. What I like about this picture is the angel of loyalty. I decided to add him in the picture because I love dogs and dogs are also a good symbol of loyalty.

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