
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sketchbook Assignment (Slither)


For this sketch book assignment, I had to draw something that represented slither. I drew a snake slithering. In my drawing, you can see a snake approaching a field mouse that will soon be his lunch. I named this piece “The mouse and the snake” because in the picture, it focuses on the mouse and the snake. I drew the snake looking at the mouse with its tongue stuck out to make it easier to inference what happens next. I drew the mouse looking at a piece of food it found to make it look like the mouse didn’t know what was happening or that the snake was behind it.
This picture was drawn and colour using pencil. I started the picture out like the others. First sketching the image, and then going over the lines I liked. Once I like what I have drawn I used a darker pencil and shaded the image.  At first I didn’t want the picture to be only black and white. I wanted the image to have different colours. I decided to go with black and white because after colouring and toning the snake, I realized that it might not look good with other colours in the image. When I first thought of a snake, I thought that a typical snake would be black or gray so, I started toning the snake in pencil. It was hard to decide if I should have used different colours in the image or just leave it a simple black and white. I didn’t want to ruin the image by adding different colour so, I kept it safe and made the image black and white. It was a good decision because usually, most of the art I do with the colours black and white turns out looking good.
Before I drew “The mouse and the snake”, I had other ideas like drawing a snail or a dragon with its body swirled around a mountain. I thought that the snail idea was too simple and wouldn’t look nice because it wouldn’t have a lot of details. The dragon idea wasn’t so bad but, I didn’t think that it related to the theme slither, It was more of a crawl or a climbing action. I thought of the idea of a snake while I was watching a show on animal planet. To make it look like the snake was slithering, I put a pray in front of it so that people would know that the snake is slithering to the mouse.
For this picture, I had some difficulties drawing and toning the snake. I started this picture without an idea of how a snake’s head is shaped. I had to go on Google and look at different images of a snake’s head before I got my snake’s head looking proper. Once I finished drawing an outline sketch of my snake, it was hard to draw the scales on the snake. I had to view more pictures on Google before I got the texture I wanted. After I finished drawing the scales and the rest of the details, I realized that I didn’t know what patterns a snake would have on its body. More images where viewed before I got the different patterns on my snake. Drawing the snake was what I struggled most for this picture but, I completed this drawing with a good looking snake.  

This is a view of the head i drew.

This picture helped me draw the scales on my snake.

I used this image to help with the patterning on my snake. This picture was also used to do part of the head shape and the scales.

I drew the field mouse based on this image.

I really like what I have drawn for slither because I worked hard on drawing the snake and, since my first time drawing a realistic snake turned out nice, I could use what I have learned and apply it to future pictures.

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