
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Anamorphic Assignment

                For this assignment, I was given the task to draw a distorted picture. Before I started, I had to learn about what a distortion and anamorphic was. I saw many examples of anamorphic as well.
By: Julian Beever

                An anamorphic can only be seen properly when standing in a certain angle and looking at the image. In my distorted picture, the image can only be seen properly when looking into a cylinder mirror. The cylinder reflects my image, making it look not distorted.  
This is an example of how the Cylinder Mirror works.
                I started out by finding an image on Google. I was planning to do a picture relating to the theme Alice in Wonderland because when I first thought of distortion, I thought of a strange world with many weird things. The problem was that most of the images I found were going to be very difficult to redraw on a distorted grid.

                It was difficult looking for an image. I was going to do a picture from the music series Vocaloid but, I decided not to because I wanted to do something new.
Rin & Len
                I decided to go with something simpler. As I was searching for pictures related to Alice in Wonderland, I came across a picture of two animated people with bunny ears holding a clock. I decided to use this image for my anamorphic.
                Once I had my image I wanted to draw, I used Photoshop to make the image black and white so that it would be easier to see the lines and, I placed the picture in a 10 by 10 grid. The grid will help me distort the image. I printed out the picture on the grid.

                After I had my image on the grid, I started to redraw it on a distorted grid. It was difficult because I had to draw every line on the distorted grid according to the lines positions in the 10 by 10 grid.
                It started out being hard to get the lines to fit in the squares for the distorted grid but, as I kept drawing it got easier because I started to get the idea of what line goes where. It was fun seeing how stretched out my picture was. I had to constantly put the cylinder mirror in front of my picture to see if I was doing the distortion right.

                Once I finished drawing the picture onto the distorted grid, I had to trace the distortion onto a blank paper to get rid of the grid lines. Once it was traced, I started to colour my image. I had some difficulties deciding on what colours I wanted to colour the picture with. I decided to make the girl bunny have blond hair and wear a pink and black dress. For the boy bunny, I coloured him hair brown and made his clothing black, white, and blue.
Final Piece

                I really liked how my anamorphic turned out. To me, the picture looks really cute even without looking into the cylinder mirror. I am very proud of this piece because of all the effort I put into it. I had lots of fun creating my anamorphic. 

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