
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sketchbook Assignment (Artifical)


This month’s sketchbook assignment, I had to draw something that represented artificial. The piece I have drawn is named “Real or Fake? “.  I named it that, because the picture shows a human hand and a robotic hand reaching out to each other. People can compare the two and know that one is fake and the other is real.  The robotic hand is supposed to represent an artificial hand; it can do anything a human hand can do.  Both hands are symmetrical to each other to show that an artificial hand can be just as good as a human hand.
In this piece I used pencil to draw and tone. I decided to leave it black and white because I thought it would look better without color since there wasn’t much to color in. I tried to make it lighter around the edge of the two hands to make them stand out more. If I were to change anything about this piece, it would be to tone around the outside of the hands darker.

Before I thought of drawing “Real or Fake?” ,I had other ideas in mind. I was going to draw fake flowers or fruits, but I thought of drawing a fake part of a human body to represent artificial.  At first I was going to draw a whole artificial arm or leg, but I decided not to because I thought that the page was too small to fit all the details. I decided to only do that hand because it seemed simple and the proper size to fit on the page.
What inspired me to draw an artificial part of a body was Terry Fox. Terry Fox had an artificial leg. Even though, he still showed that he could do anything with that leg that a normal leg could have done. Instead of drawing a leg, I thought it would be more interesting to draw a hand.
(Terry Fox)

I had difficulties drawing the robotic hand because I didn’t know how it should have looked. I wanted it to look like it was the hand of a robot, but I didn’t know where to draw the different pieces to make it look like metal parts joined together. It was easier to draw the human hand because it is more familiar to draw and I could look at my own for inspiration.
If I were to do anything different about this piece, I would have spent more time toning to a darker point. Hopefully the next time I tone I can achieve the darkest point that my pencil can go to. Over all it was interesting drawing a robotic hand for the first time. I can use what I have learned from drawing this and apply it to future pieces. My goal for my future pieces is to be able to tone to a darker point.

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