
Friday, February 18, 2011

My First Sketchbook Assignment (Dusty)


My first Sketchbook assignment is based on the theme dusty. I named this piece Dusty Dust Bunnies Run! In the picture you can see that a broom is chancing after dust bunnies to try and get the floor clean. I used pencil and soft pastels to make this piece. The pencil was used to draw out the sketch of each bunny and the broom. After I was happy with the sketch, I used soft pastels to color the image so that is would give more of a dusty affect. I decided not to put any colors in it because to me when I think of dust I see gray, since this picture is about dusty I only used black, gray, and the white of the page.

When I first found out I had to do a piece about dusty, I had different ideas in mind like drawing a dusty attic or a person blowing an old book. I thought that these ideas were too simple and that other people would have done it so, I decided to be more creative and draw dust bunnies running away from a sweeping broom. It took me a while to get this idea. I got the idea from a television show called the Big Comfy Couch. In the show there were two dust bunnies that lived under the couch. Once I heard the word dust bunnies I got the idea of having them being swept away by a broom.

I am very proud of my work because it took me a long time to finish, and to me it looks really good. I did have some difficulties coloring with soft pastel because it was my first time using it. If I were to have done anything different it would be to have colored lighter. Over all it was fun drawing each bunny and using soft pastels for the first time.

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