
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Q -n- A

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

1. What is the Queen's question to the mirror?
A. The Queen asked the mirror "Who is the fairest one of all?"

2. How does the Queen try to murder Snow White? Why does her plan fail?
A. The Queen sent a hunter to murder Snow White but her plans failed because the hunter saw how nice Snow White was and decided not to kill her.

3. What does the Queen demand as proof that Snow White is actually dead?
A. The Queen demanded for the hunter to bring back Snow White's heart to be shown as proof that she is dead.

4. Where does Snow White find to stay, and who shows her this place?
A. She finds a little house in the woods. The animals of the woods showed her the way to get to the house.

5. How does the Queen find out that Snow White is still alive?
A. The Queen asked the mirror once more "Who is the fairest one of all?" And the mirror replied Snow White; she realized that Snow White was still alive.

6. What is the Queen's new plan to kill Snow White?
A. The Queen decides to make a potion to poison Snow White with an apple as her next attempt to kill Snow White.

7. What is the only antidote to the potion that the Queen prepares?
A. The only antidote to the potion is true love's first kiss.

8. What kind of work do the dwarfs do?
A. The dwarfs work at a mine mining gems.

9. Who warns the dwarfs of the Queen's arrival?
A. The animals of the woods warned the dwarfs that the Queen has arrived at the house.

10. How does Snow White awake from the "sleeping death"?
A. The prince arrive seeing Snow White sleeping and kisses her so that she would awaken from her sleeping death.

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