
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sketchbook Assignment (Acrobatic)


The piece I did for this month was based on the theme Acrobatic. I named it “Steps with Balance” because, in the picture every step the girl takes, she has to be careful or else she will fall. The girl is holding an umbrella to help her stay balanced. I decided to make her wear a dress with many bows because it fits the theme of a circus.

In My piece I used pencil and pencil crayons. I started out with a pencil drawing of what I wanted and then colored it over with the colors I wanted. To make it look like a spotlight was shining at her, I used pencil and smudged it around the ray of the light so that it would be darker around the outside of where the light was shining. I also made a shadow of the girl to help create the spotlight affect. For this assignment I decided to use colors instead of only black and white because, when I thought of acrobatic it reminded me of a circus and circuses are usually colorful. 

I had other ideas before I decided to do a girl walking on a tightrope. I thought of drawing dolphins jumping in the air, a trapeze act, or a pyramid of circus performers. I decided to do the tightrope walker out of the rest of the ideas because, at the time when I was picturing the ideas in my head, the tightrope walker idea seemed the best.
I had some difficulties while drawing this piece. It was hard to think of a way to get the spotlight affect. I tried many different tactics but most of them failed. I ended up thinking of using pencil smudging to create the outline of the light. I also had difficulties getting a proper shadow of the girl. I had an idea of tracing the drawing of the girl and cutting it out then, outlining the cut out on the spot where I wanted the shadow to be. It worked.  

If I were to do anything different I would have drawn the umbrella closer to her so that I could have drawn the shadow of the umbrella within the spotlight. I would have also colored darker so that it would stand out more and so that it would be darker in the areas where the light isn’t shining. 

This piece took a lot of effort to do and I really liked how it looked when I was finished.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Q -n- A

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

1. What is the Queen's question to the mirror?
A. The Queen asked the mirror "Who is the fairest one of all?"

2. How does the Queen try to murder Snow White? Why does her plan fail?
A. The Queen sent a hunter to murder Snow White but her plans failed because the hunter saw how nice Snow White was and decided not to kill her.

3. What does the Queen demand as proof that Snow White is actually dead?
A. The Queen demanded for the hunter to bring back Snow White's heart to be shown as proof that she is dead.

4. Where does Snow White find to stay, and who shows her this place?
A. She finds a little house in the woods. The animals of the woods showed her the way to get to the house.

5. How does the Queen find out that Snow White is still alive?
A. The Queen asked the mirror once more "Who is the fairest one of all?" And the mirror replied Snow White; she realized that Snow White was still alive.

6. What is the Queen's new plan to kill Snow White?
A. The Queen decides to make a potion to poison Snow White with an apple as her next attempt to kill Snow White.

7. What is the only antidote to the potion that the Queen prepares?
A. The only antidote to the potion is true love's first kiss.

8. What kind of work do the dwarfs do?
A. The dwarfs work at a mine mining gems.

9. Who warns the dwarfs of the Queen's arrival?
A. The animals of the woods warned the dwarfs that the Queen has arrived at the house.

10. How does Snow White awake from the "sleeping death"?
A. The prince arrive seeing Snow White sleeping and kisses her so that she would awaken from her sleeping death.

Sketchbook Assignment (Spooky)


For this month’s sketchbook assignment our theme was “Spooky”. The picture above is my idea of spooky. I named this piece “Time of Death”. The reason why I named it Time of Death, was because it describes the picture. The image shows the reaper holding an hourglass with a Scythe in his arms. The Scythe has blood at the end of it to show that someone has just been killed. The hourglass in his hands represents a human’s life span. Once the sand in the hourglass all falls to the bottom of the hourglass, it would mean that someone has run out of time to live. In my picture, the sand in the hourglass has mostly fallen to the bottom.    

I used pencils to draw and color this piece. The reason for using pencil was because I wanted to tone the image and I wanted a black and white coloring. By toning I would have caused the image to look more 3D and realistic. I did have some difficulties toning because most of the time I wouldn’t be able to get the color to the darkest point. I also had difficulties getting the shape of the reaper’s head right and creating a ripped effect on the clothing that the reaper is wearing.

I had other ideas before I drew “Time of Death”. I thought of drawing an old fashion doll crying red tears, or drawing a tome stone with a rotting hand sticking out of the ground. I decided to do the reaper idea because to me, it’s scary not knowing when your life could end, imagining walking out of your home and getting hit by a car or shot, but to think that a while ago you woke up to a thought of having a wonderful day. Once in a while before I go to sleep I wonder if tomorrow could be my last day, it’s scary because it makes people think more wisely about how to spend every moment of their life.

While drawing this picture, it reminded me of how valuable a human’s life is. People should spend every moment of their life happy and with no regrets.